
Posts Tagged ‘shadow flicker wind turbines’

From the U.K. this week, an opinion about noise levels from an industrial wind turbine development and how they might affect a proposed resort. What is key is that this is a letter from the solicitors acting for the corporate wind developer, Wind Prospect Ltd.

Note the highlighted key paragraph; what this means is, the wind developers themselves acknowledge that the wind turbine development is incompatible with the “peace and quiet of the countryside.”


June 11 2010

Planning Department

Northumberland County Council, County Hall, Morpeth, Northumberland

NE61 2EF

Dear Sirs

The Waterfalls, Birtley Wark, Hexham

Proposed Holiday Centre and Equestrian Development

Application Reference:20090663

Thank you for your email of 3 June 2010.

In relation to comments made by Mr Spencer, on behalf of the applicant, we would re-iterate our view made in previous correspondence that a proper noise assessment is required before this proposal can be approved. We have some concerns that the 23 dB attentuation figuresuggested by the Council’s Public Protection Officer would not be sufficient for this development, given that the proposed holiday accommodation would not be able to achieve the levels of sound insulation that might reasonably be expected of a permanent dwelling house.

The applicant’s noise figures are derived from Wind Prospect’s own noise asessment of the Green Rigg turbines. As such, the noise levels were assessed at Waterfalls Farm, which is significantly further away from the Green Rigg wind farm than the proposed development. As a result, the noise levels at the proposed development are likely to be higher then [sic] the predicted levels and will require a much larger attentuation than the proposed level.

Moreover, this is a proposed holiday centre, where patrons would reasonably expect to sit outside to enjoy the relative peace and quiet of the countryside. The acoustical performance of the accommodation has no effect on the external noise levels. Noise from the permitted wind energy development will be very likely to provoke complaints, and this will place both the Environmental Health department and the wind farm operator in an impossible position: a complaint about noise could be found to be justified, and construed as noise nuisance, even though the wind farm was operating lawfully within the constraints of its planning conditions.

Without a proper noise assessment, it is impossible to clarify exactly what attentuation would be sufficient, and no judgement can be made on the acceptability or otherwise of external noise levels. We wold, therefore, urge the Council to request a proper assessment from the applicant.

Yours faithfully

Hammonds LLP

2 Park Lane Leeds www.hammonds.com


Note also that the proposed development in this case also features horses: industrial wind turbine developments can also produce shadow flicker which can frighten horses, and make riding dangerous when the shadow flicker is in effect.

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